Friday, January 8, 2021

9 Reasons Why You Can't Give Up After So Many Times

Come to think of it, your love story can already be made a series of novels with tragic endings. Hmm, maybe a little overrated, though. But that's how you feel when you build a romance with someone.

I don't know why the edges are always not good because you are hurt or let down by your partner. It's called you haven't been lucky. But don't be sad just yet.

Just think about these nine things and you'll see that there's still hope for you out there. All you have to do is be a little patient and rearrange your strategy.

1. The Problem is not With you

The Problem is not With you
You can't control and control others to like you and respect you. It's out of your control. Sometimes it's the time or the person that's not right for you. You're a strong woman who's smart and beautiful, if she can't see that then she's the one who loses.

2. Everyone has Experienced it Too

Everyone has Experienced it Too
Before you lock yourself in your room and mourn your miserable fate, remember that everyone has also been heartbroken and hurt. If they made it through, why didn't you?

3. Not All guys are the same

Not All guys are the same
Don't hit the flat right away and think all guys are the same. Not every man on earth sucks. You haven't met him who cares so much about you. But you also have to be careful, do not want to be with people who like to spread promises and sweet words only.

4. Stop this Cycle Right Now

Stop this Cycle Right Now
Maybe the problem isn't with you, but the solution is in your hands! When you see signs of trouble in this guy, back off right now. Don't push yourself in the hope that he can change.

5. Don't be So Nice

Don't be So Nice
Being nice is fine, but don't give a second, third, or fourth chance to a guy who clearly doesn't deserve your love! When the hell are you going to give him a chance?

6. Listen to Your Logic

Listen to Your Logic
Sometimes, your brain knows more about what you need than your heart. When you fall in love it seems like your logic doesn't work and your heart talks more, but train yourself to listen to logic to balance the voice of your heart drunk on love. You also have to be rational, right.

7. Don't be Afraid to Fall in Love Again

Don't be Afraid to Fall in Love Again
As long as you learn from your mistakes, love will give you what you deserve. This learning process is not short of course, but by diligently reflecting on yourself, slowly you can better understand love and give your heart to the right person.

8. Make Sure he Knows What You Want

Make Sure he Knows What You Want
In the beginning you're close to someone, make sure that he knows you're looking for something serious, not just to mess around. You can ask her directly what she's looking for from a woman and you can tell her what you want from a man. If you're not sure about this tactic, just code it by giving an example of your friend who is in a relationship as well.

9. Give Yourself Pause

Give Yourself Pause
Tired of being hurt all the time? Give yourself pause and take a break from dating. Enjoy the moments of dating you and treat yourself to a vacation, focus on your job or study, or try a new hobby.

You also have to remember, your life doesn't just revolve around dating. There are many other things in your life that you should be grateful for. So let's frown on it, and show the world that one day your beautiful smile will bloom too!

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